The Jockey Club Live Presents
Ticket Info
Provides access to the Grandstand and Paddock Enclosure during the races and the area in front of the stage during the concert. Seating is available in the stalls on a first come, first serve basis and located on either side of the...
More InfoTicket Info
Provides access to the Grandstand and Paddock Enclosure during the races and the area in front of the stage during the concert. Seating is available in the stalls on a first come, first serve basis and located on either side of the stage.
Dedicated viewing facilities available. Tickets for disabled customers to be booked directly through Newmarket Racecourse on 0344 579 3010. Click HERE for further info
Summer Saturday Live Ticket & Child Policy
• Under 4s go free
• 17 and under must have a valid ticket and be accompanied by an adult
• Child tickets can be purchased via the venue at 03445793010
Dress code
Smart Casual
What sort of venue is Newmarket’s July Course?
Newmarket’s July Course is a Racecourse hosting seven to nine horseracing plus music events throughout the summer months (June to August).
During each racing plus music event six to seven races take place followed by live music. The ticket/s you purchase will include the racing and the concert. We do not offer a concert only ticket.
As your ticket includes the horseracing and the concert, we would encourage you to watch the races in order to experience this exciting sporting event and also to help familiarise yourself with the racecourse before the concert commences.
The July Course is predominantly an outdoors standing venue with no allocated seating for any events.
When sold out, Newmarket’s July Course welcomes up to 22,000 customers per event.
What are Newmarket Nights and Summer Saturday Live?
Newmarket Nights are our Friday evening racing plus music events with the artist taking to the stage at any time from 8pm. Preceding the concert, six to seven horse races will take place with gates opening between 3 – 3.30pm (please note, times differ for every event).
We have up to two Summer Saturday Live events each year. These are our family friendly racing plus music afternoon events with the artist taking to the stage at any time from 5.30pm. Preceding the concert, six to seven horse races will take place with gates opening between 11.30 – 12Noon (please note, times differ for every event).
Can I upgrade my ticket?
We have a number of upgrade facilities availability:
Champions Lawn, Prime Viewing Platform and our Hospitality Areas
Please call the racecourse direct on: 01638 675500
How can I meet the band/artist?
There is not an option to purchase a “Meet and Greet” with the band/artist. If the band/artist are offering the chance to meet them before the concert, these are only available through competitions via Newmarket Racecourses Facebook and Twitter or those of our partners or Jockey Club Live. Please visit our social media pages, or sign up to our mailing list, via the website, for further information.
What time does the music start and finish?
Newmarket Nights
The approximate timings for the concert are 8.30pm – 10.30pm but please note these timings are different for each event and will depend on the Order of Running for the horseraces beforehand.
If there is a delay with racing this will mean the concert has a slightly later start time.
Please visit the relevant event page on the website for exact timings. Generally the artists perform for approximately 75 to 90 minutes and do not have a warm up act beforehand. Please note, the set time of the artist differs for each event.
Summer Saturday Live
The approximate timings for the afternoon concerts are 5:35– 7.30pm but please note this is subject to change and will depend on the Order of Running for the horseraces beforehand.
If there is a delay with racing this will mean the concert has a slightly later start time.
Please visit the relevant event page on the website for exact timings. Generally the artists perform for approximately 75 to 90 minutes and do not have a warm up act beforehand. Please note, the set time of the artist differs for each event.
What is the latest time I can arrive for the music?
As your ticket includes both the horseracing and the concert we would encourage you to come along to enjoy both. This will give you the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the facilities available.
If you do only wish to come to the concert we would recommend arriving no later than 7.30pm for Newmarket Nights and 4.30pm for a Summer Saturday Live.
Can I purchase/bring a seat?
Newmarket Racecourses is sold as an outdoor standing event with no reserved seating available.
No furniture is permitted in the Grandstand & Paddock Enclosure at any point during the event. Furniture is permitted in the Garden Enclosure (subject to exclusions detailed below) but cannot be brought into the other enclosure following racing and for the concert.
If you require a chair for medical reasons you must apply in advance (no later than two days before the event you are attending) to our Customer Relations team on 01638 675500 option 4. If permission is granted you will require a letter of authorisation that you would need to bring with you. Due to health and safety purposes, chairs are not permitted in the areas directly in front of the stage.
Racecourse seating is not permitted to be moved to the Premier Enclosure area in front of the stage.
Can I bring a picnic?
You are welcome to bring your own picnic to enjoy in the racecourse car parks.
Metal and ceramic knives, corkscrews or sharp knives, small bottles of beer or cider, or BBQ’s will not be permitted on course (if you have any items you are un sure whether will or won’t be permitted, please see the “Restricted Items” section below).
How do I avoid delays entering and leaving the racecourse: Shuttle Service, Outrider Coach, Taxi’s & Parking
As Newmarket’s July Course is situated in rural Cambridgeshire traffic to the site can be busy at peak times. It is therefore advised that racegoers arrive early to avoid being delayed and follow the yellow AA directional signs, avoiding the High Street.
Especially during the busier events, there can be heavy traffic when exiting the site resulting in delays so please do be aware of this when making your travel arrangements. During our sell out concerts please allow up to two hours to exit the car parks.
If you wish to avoid delays leaving the racecourse we suggest that you stand close to your exit towards the end of the artist’s set and then leave 10 – 15 minutes before the last song is played. For those wishing to stay after the concert, select food and drink units will remain open for up to half an hour after the concert finishes.
Please ensure you familiarise yourself with the colour code of the area you have parked in and row number.
Valet parking is also available - £25 per car for the first 20 cars. Pre-bookable only
Other options to help avoid delays
There are various bus services available so that you can arrive and return from Newmarket Racecourses safely.
Free Shuttle Service
Newmarket Racecourses provides a free shuttle bus from Newmarket High Street (outside Hughes Electrical) and Newmarket Train Station to the July Course. The service starts two hours before the first race and resumes 45 minutes after the last race, running continuously until the venue is clear.
No booking is required for this free service.
Outrider Coach Service
Newmarket Racecourses offers subsidised return services from Cambridge, Ely (via Soham), Royston and Bury St Edmunds. Please see our website for more details and for bookings. This coach services leaves 30 minutes after the concert finishes from outside Gate 2.
Advanced booking is required for this service and we would suggest doing so at the time of booking your tickets. If space permits, returns are possible on this service.
Coach Parking
We offer free coach parking. Coaches must enter the racecourse via Gate 4 off the A1303. If your coach driver wishes to leave site and come back to the racecourse, they must be back in the coach car park by 9pm (Newmarket Nights) or 5pm (Summer Saturday Live) as access into Gate 4 is restricted from this time to allow for egress.
At the end of the concert we request that taxis and other vehicles do not pick up outside the main gates on the roundabout or attempt to access the racecourse via Gate 4 off the Cambridge Road. The suggested meeting point for car pick-ups is located near Gate 2 in the White Car Park outside Premier Entrance 1.
We recommend you pre book your taxi in advance of your visit to avoid the taxi rank queue at the end of the event.
We strongly recommend you do not walk from the July Course.
Are there undercover areas in the event of adverse weather?
The event is sold as an outdoor standing event with limited cover. Some of our bar areas have a small amount of shelter but most areas are open to the elements, including viewing the stage. We therefore advise that you dress appropriately for the weather but in accordance with the Dress Code.
During inclement weather, wellies and umbrellas are permitted during racing. Umbrellas are not permitted during the concert, but you can purchase ponchos from the Course Office
What facilities do you have for disabled customers? : Viewing Platforms
Disabled Viewing Platforms – Wheelchair Users
For all racing plus music events, we take booking for all of the designated disabled platform areas.
There are a choice of three platforms; A, B or C (Please see Accessibility Map for specific locations). Allocation of spaces will be undertaken on a first come first served basis. Please note the platforms are open areas and you will be exposed to the elements.
A (side only view of stage)
B (rear of crowd stage right)
C (rear of crowd stage left)
The platforms can accommodate wheelchairs that are within the dimensions 700mm wide by 1200mm long. If your wheelchair or scooter is larger than these dimensions please highlight this at the time of booking. Failure to inform us of this may result in us not being able to accommodate your request on the day.
To avoid disappointment please register in advance as we cannot guarantee availability on the day. If you have already made your ticket booking please contact the number below to check for availability. Access to the platforms will be by wristbands only. The pre-booked wristbands will be issued from the Free Pass Office on the day of the event you are attending.
Customers with non-mobility disabilities can view the stage in a reserved area within the stand. Spaces within these areas must be arranged in advance. Area D is accessible via a lift, Area E is only accessible via steps.
D (stage right within Stand 2)
E (stage right at the top of Stand 2)
Spaces on the platforms and within the reserved areas include one disabled visitor with one accompanying guest or Personal Assistant. No other visitors can be accommodated on the platform/in the areas, as priority must be given to our disabled customers.
If the area you wish to book is already at capacity and there are no other preferred options, a refund on your ticket can be arranged prior to the event.
This process has been put in place to make it fairer for our customers and to manage both expectations and safety during our events.
To reserve a place on one of the designated platforms, please call 01638 675500 (Opt 4).
Personal Assistants
If you need a Personal Assistant to attend the event we offer complimentary access to them once eligibility is confirmed.
Please <click here> for further information.
Assistance Dogs
Assistance dogs are welcome to attend with their owners without additional charge subject to possession of a valid identification document from Assistance Dogs (UK) or an equivalent international organization.
A separate ticket is not required however owners should notify the racecourse in advance upon booking their event day tickets so that any necessary arrangements can be made.
If you have any questions or queries regarding the free care admission scheme then please contact the Customer Relations Department on 01638 675500 (Option 4).
Blue Badge Parking
We have dedicated Blue Badge Parking in both the Premier and Public car parks. If you require assistance from your vehicle, our car park attendants will be able to radio for the Shuttle Buggy which will take you to the point of entry.
Disabled Toilets
The July course has disable toilets in all areas - except for Stand 4
What restrictions are there in terms of items that can be brought into the venue?
Please note bag and physical searches will be in operation. Dogs may be in operation on the site for enhanced security searches.
Please find below items that are not permitted into the Premier/Grandstand & Paddock Enclosures:
We ask that you do not bring unnecessary bags or luggage into the racecourse. Bags larger than 40cm x 35cm x 19cm will not be allowed into the venue.
No food or drink is to be brought into the Premier, Champions Lawn or Grandstand & Paddock Enclosures, including celebration cakes or alcohol for presents of your guests.
Knives, corkscrews or sharp objects
Weapons, ‘hoax’ items or pyrotechnics including laser devices.
Megaphones/Sound Systems or air horns
Large flags/banners/Selfie Sticks
Unidentifiable canisters e.g. no deodorant, smoke canisters or nitrous oxide
Helium Balloons
Picnics / BBQs – except food for children/infants under five
Furniture, gazebos, Fishing Umbrellas
No glass or ceramic bottles, dishes or glassware
Professional Filming Equipment. Professional looking cameras must be declared on entry (defined as an SLR camera)
Offensive Clothing
Illegal substances including drugs
Marketing or promotional material unless authorised by the racecourse in advance
In the Garden Enclosure the above is not permitted with the exception of:
Alcohol. This must with accompanied by a substantial picnic and limited to four cans beer/cider/pre mixed aperitif per person or one bottle of wine/champagne per person. No spirits or fortified wines are not permitted. All bottles/cartons must be sealed on entry to the premises. Unsealed bottles will be refused entry
Picnics (no knives, corkscrews, glass or ceramic bottles/dishes and glassware)
Outdoor furniture, gazebos (max. size 3m x 6m) or Fishing Umbrellas. The Racecourse reserves the right to restrict access for gazebos/Fishing Umbrellas if they pose a safety threat.
Alcohol, picnics and garden furniture/gazebos are not permitted outside of the Garden Enclosure. After racing if customers wish to move into the other enclosures all alcohol, picnics and garden furniture must be stored at the cloakroom facility at the Garden Enclosure turnstiles or be returned to cars.
Can I leave my car overnight?
Yes you are able to leave your car overnight but this is at the owner’s risk. If we are racing the following day you are advised to pick up your car before gates open.
There is strictly no camping available on site.
Anti-Social behavior at Newmarket Racecourses
Newmarket Racecourses treats anti-social behavior seriously and expects all guests to treat everyone with respect during our events, including all our staff.
Anyone found behaving in an aggressive manner, causing damaged to another person or our site, appearing to be under the influence of drugs, excessive alcohol or in breach of our terms and conditions will be ejected from the racecourse without a refund being made and may be reported to the police.
Security at Newmarket Racecourses
The safety of all racegoers is paramount and the racecourse continues to work closely at all times with the Police, the Security Services and our specialist advisers in implementing the appropriate security measures for the protection of our customers.
There will be bag and physical search procedures for everyone at all of the racecourse entrances and you will notice a stronger uniformed police presence throughout the site and the vicinity.
It is inevitable that access to the racecourse will take longer. Please be prepared for this and allow sufficient time. Please also note that if you exit the site at any stage, you will need to pass through security and search lanes to re-enter.
We ask that you do not bring unnecessary bags or luggage into the racecourse. Bags larger than 40cm x 35cm x 19cm will not be allowed in to the venue.
We ask for your understanding and cooperation regarding security procedures and that you also inform your guests too. We also ask for your vigilance on matters of security. If you see or hear anything suspicious, please bring it immediately to the attention of our Stewards or the Police.
Other than items brought in with a picnic into the Garden Enclosure, no food or drink can be brought into the Premier or Grandstand & Paddock Enclosures from offsite.
Newmarket Racecourses will use their right to search all persons and personal property via bag searches. We hold the right to refuse admission to, or eject from site, any person who refuses to be searched by a steward or official of Newmarket Racecourses.
Illegal substances including ‘former legal highs’ are not allowed at Newmarket Racecourses at any time. You will be refused entry/ejected from the event and handed over to the police if found in possession.
Dogs may be in operation on the site for enhanced security searches.
Terms and Conditions
For our full Terms & Conditions please visit our website
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Bio: Sugababes
Summer Saturday Live is back! The family-friendly edition of Newmarket Nights will return on Saturday 23rd August. An afternoon of exhilarating racing will be followed by sets from a duo of 00’s pop icons – NATASHA BEDINGFIELD will take to the stage with a blistering early evening set followed by headliners SUGABABES.
Throughout Natasha Bedingfield’s illustrious career she has sold over 10 million albums and earned multiple award nominations, including a Grammy Award nomination for Best Female Pop Vocal Performance. Her 2004 hit ‘Unwritten’ enjoyed a spectacular resurgence last year, re-entering the UK Top 20 and was inducted into the Spotify Billions Club, underscoring its enduring popularity and streaming success. The charting was timely, as 2024 also marked the 20th anniversary of the song that has firmly rooted itself as one of the 2000s' most recognisable hits alongside ‘Pocket Full Of Sunshine’ and her UK #1 single ‘These Words’.
Sugababes are one of the most successful and critically acclaimed British girl bands of the 21st century. Since their formation in 1998 they have scored six Number One singles (including ‘Freak Like Me’, ‘Push The Button’ and ‘Round Round’), had millions of global sales and multiple multi-platinum albums. Their recent comeback - as the original line-up of Keisha Buchanan, Mutya Buena and Siobhan Donaghy - was solidified with their now legendary 2022 Glastonbury performance. This set the scene for their biggest sold-out UK tour, a sold-out London O2 Arena and the first new music in a decade alongside another record-breaking field-closing set at Glastonbury’s Worthy Farm in June 2024.
Get Ready
Prepare for your night out with these options:
Tickets for Sugababes and Natasha Bedingfield
Purchase your tickets here for this event.
Get tickets on your phone
- Use mobile tickets on your phone to scan at the door.
- Securely share your tickets with your friends. Have them meet you at the venue.
- Discover & purchase tickets to your favorite events.
- Post your event memories with commemorative tickets, photo collages, and more.